Tuesday, March 9, 2010


yesterday jacob got me a serger.
i have been trying to thread this thing the WHOLE day.
and finally it worked!!
i am so excited!
we got if off craigslist from an 80+ year old guy.
his wife had died 3 years ago and he was just now selling it.
he said she only used it a couple of times.

it got me thinking...
how can you be married to someone for so many years and then have to sell their personal belongings.
how hard that would be!

well, since i don't know anything about sergers it is going to be a fun adventure.
i finally got a good stitch!


  1. yeah so glad you got it threaded! So proud of you. hehe

  2. I am so jealous! I cant believe he bought that for you. What an awesome hubby. Please move back to Bakersfield! :)
