starting out so small has never ever slowed her down for one minute. She is such a lover of life and adventures and wants to make the most of every moment in everyday.
gabriella frequently tells anyone she can that when she turns 5 she is going into kindergarten and then first grade and then second grade. the other day she was asking about college and i told her she was allowed to go, but she needed to live at home and i would drive her everyday! i can't imagine letting my baby girl move.
yesterday gabriella said, " I am so excited to have a baby brother!" I am so excited for the enthusiasm she shows for life.
you are going to be a wonderful big sister for your nameless brother. i know you are going to help with everything you possibly can, because that is the way you are. you go all out all the time! you never do anything half hearted. that is a trait that i admire so much. you love singing songs to Jesus and we love to watch you sing and dance. your favorite song to sing is david crowder's he is jealous for me. you sing all the words without hesitation and a lot of times you even close your eyes while you are singing. it is so beautiful to see. on sunday you took your Bible to church and read it the whole way. we can't wait to see all the work God does in your life this year as you are four. we love you so much and are so very proud of you! mama and daddy