tomorrow polka dots and poppies {my mom and i} with be here!
we are so excited to be selling our handmade goodies again.
what's on the menu for this show:
{shelves} 4 different styles, sizes and colors
{felt banners} lots of variety! ex: give thanks, merry Christmas
{stacking blocks} stacking wood blocks with different sayings on cute paper
{yucky sacks} waterproof bags for all things wet or dirty. ex: cloth diapers, swim suits
{minky burpcloths} lots of pretty colors
{minky washcloths for baby} set of 3, lots of awesome colors
{paci clips} cute prints, good for any paci
{large button covered paperclips} pretty fabric, colorful ribbon
pics of our super cute booth coming soon!
**if you are in the area PLEASE come check it out and be ready to buy some great things for everyone on your Christmas list!