Thursday, April 29, 2010

why ask why?

in my daily devotions i have been reading the

NKJV, The Word for Today Bible. by Pastor Chuck Smith

Pastor Chuck Smith has little snippets and excerpts throughout the whole Bible.
He explains things as you are reading.

I have been reading in Job for a while and this morning i was reading and it couldn't have spoken to me any more than it did! I really needed to hear this so i thought i would share it with you. i hope that it can encourage you as much as it has me this morning!

Job 35:2 More Righteous Than God? (Pastor Chuck's explanation of this verse)

"There are many people who infer that their righteousness is superior to God's. Anytime someone asks a question that begins with "Why does God..." they are really calling into question the fairness and righteousness of God. The idea is, "If I were God, I would do things a lot differently. I wouldn't do the things that He does." When we question God and infer that something He has done doesn't seem right, we are applying our own standards for righteousness to God and are suggesting that we have an understanding of righteousness that allows us to question His.

There is so much that we do not know. But when we get to heaven and know as we are known, we will readily acknowledge that God did exactly the right thing, every time."

this really told me not to ask why and question God in any way. i have to trust that God is sovereign and and He does not make mistakes.

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