we were all sitting at the table.
he was getting ready to go home.
he was sitting across the table from gabriella and said, " i (pointing to his eye), love (pointing to his heart), you (pointing to gabriella)."
gabriella's response was:
"i (pointing to her eye)......
it was sooooo funny, we all laughed so hard! she got sooo embarrassed! she was not trying to be funny.:)
today at lunch melonie prayed for our food and then she prayed,
"please help the lady bug come out so we can see her, Amen"
so i of course asked where is the lady bug?
she said, "in gabi's room!"
like it was no big deal,
like we keep other bugs in there,
soooooo i'm on the lookout for a lady bug!
i can't wait to see what they will come up with next!
These stories are great....Gab and Mel are funny little gals.