Wednesday, January 6, 2010

how do i respond?

sometimes i just don't know how to respond to things the kids say!

so yesterday i was reading to the kids and i was showing them a picture of mary and baby jesus was on her lap... Melonie said, "But i thought Mary had a little lamb?"


that was a different mary.:) i couldn't think of anything else to say at that moment.
"my ears are hurting." (melonie's had an ear infection about a week and a half ago and for circumstances out of her control she was not give all of the medicine, so it never went away.) i asked her which ear was hurting and she said, "the one on the side."

response: (in my head of course) oh, thank you for clairifying that it was not the one in front:)

we just started a sticker chart and one of the things the girls can earn stickers for is going to bed with no crying. so i said, "alright if you take a nap with no crying then you can put up a sticker when nap time is over!" mel said, "if auntie erica takes her nap with no crying then she can have a sticker?" (i thought this was a valid question)

response: i didn't really know what to say, so i just said, "does she cry when she goes to sleep?" and mel said, "Yes!" so i just said, "then yes she can have a sticker if she doesn't cry."

quote: while the kids were having a snack i made a huge mistake and left the crackers on the table. gab stood up in her chair and started to get on the table to get the crackers. I said, "gabi get off of the table and sit on your bottom! i will hand out the crackers!"

response: gabi said, "but i am big! i can reach the light! and my feet are really big!" (she and jake
actually wear the same size shoe right now...size 5! he is 16 months and she is 3 years old) but to her, her feet are REALLY BIG:)

i can't wait to see what they will come up with next!


  1. adorable! i love the things little ones say. it gives you a glimpse into what is going on in their minds. do you take care of melonie during the weekdays? how sweet that gabriella has a girl cousin close in age that she can grow up with. i bet they keep you laughing.

  2. yes, lex i do. she is here all the time. my mom and dad just closed on a house so my mom and mel will be moving out in a few days, but i will still have her during the day when my mom is at work!

  3. lol. That is funny. I will have to show this to Erica....Miss you guys!

  4. ohmygoodness, this made me laugh so hard. probably because i can hear them saying this in my head--with their little smiles. ahahahahha....and I love that what mel said about me crying...oh, melonie, auntie actually LOVES her sleep. haha. Thanks for sharing funny.
    i also loved the Santa Clause post....I was laughing SO HARD at gabs! "HI!!!"

  5. This made me laugh out loud. They are so cute!
