Thursday, February 11, 2010


since we have moved i have come up with a cleaning schedule that seems to work for me and for our household needs.

each day i try to deep clean one room/area of the house.
i know that this schedule is still a work in progress, but so far it is what works best.

living room
clean all tile and shark (steam clean)
laundry: darks

kitchen/dining room
laundry: lights

vacuum all bedrooms
laundry: whites

clean all tile and shark

laundry: darks
plan meals for the next week, or organize my list for shopping if meals are already planned.

now i know that my house is not spotless, but i want it to stay clean enough that i don't feel it is yucky.
for me this works.
i only deep clean the kitchen one time a week, but i try to leave it with no dirty dishes each night and all picked up.

is there something that you think is soooo gross that i should clean it more?
please let me know if i am putting my husband and children at risk:) thanks!


  1. Great schedule Sill. I have tried to do that a few times before, but for some reason it only lasts a week or too. It really is a better plan to have so you don't feel overwhelmed with cleaning all at once. And it leaves weekends free to spend together as a family. You might want to add a big project once a month that isn't necessarily regular cleaning. Just a suggestion. You know like...organize a closet, transfer out clothes from Jake's drawers that he has grown out of, etc. Someimes those projects can seem to pile up on you. You are doing a great job!

  2. thanks lex! great idea to schedule a big project because they definately do pile up and it seems like they add up quickly! also, i will be making a car carrier for your little guy as soon as i can...i was already planning on it!!

  3. yay! let me know how much you charge! it would be a great big-brother gift!
