Tuesday, February 9, 2010

homemade car carrier.

i made this little traveling car carrier for a very special guy's birthday!
i saw the idea on another blog and knew he would love it.
and since i am trying to make more gifts i thought this would be great.
it was not perfect, but i just had to keep reminding myself that he is only 2 and would like it.
happy birthday ethan!


  1. He LOVES it. This is such a great gift idea Silla; so perfect for Ethan!
    Thank you so much. We all love you!

  2. OH my gosh, Sill! That is adorable. Can I put in an order? I hope it wasn't too much work. I know a little 2 year old who would love one too.

  3. I love that car cozy! Its very cute Priscilla. You did a great job! That one has been on my list to make too. :)
