Thursday, August 26, 2010


it makes my heart hurt a little, ok a lot to say that he is already TWO!

i couldn't ask for a more kind gentle spirit.
he gives me like 50 hugs when i am praying with him and when i lay him down he keeps his arms up for more hugs. it makes me smile every time.

he loves his sister and cousin.
he loves animals. he is willing to go to new heights to see them.
he is willing to feed them their own straw that they go to the bathroom and lay on.
his feelings are easily hurt when the animals don't want to eat from him.
he loves friends and he loves to give them hugs (even if they have cute little snotty noses)
he knows there is a time and a place to relax.
yesterday, jake and i went to in-n-out while the girls were at preschool.
we took our food home.
jake normally takes his nap when we get home.
while he was eating he would take a bite and then give me a hug.
he did this after every bite.
it was so sweet to see him by himself. just with me.
i couldn't ask for a better little guy.
we all love you so much!
note: jake did NOT break his arm again! these pics were taken earlier this summer.


  1. Happy Birthday Jakey!! Hope you are having an awesome day!

  2. Awww! TWO! So crazy. He looks bigger than Gabby!

  3. I love Jakey and miss you! See you soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
