Monday, April 18, 2011

our weekend.

this weekend we had friends visiting.
marcie and i met the summer before our freshmen year in high school in summer basketball.
i remember the first time she yelled whose HAUDE?!
that is what was written on my water bottle.
i'm not sure if i even answered her.
i just remember she was loud.
she is now one of my best friends.
i was in her wedding and she was in mine.
we did junior miss together, took rides in our cars around town when we got our licenses and spent lots of time hanging out.
when we graduated from high school there were some people i never talked to again, but marcie and i have managed to keep our friendship going strong.
she is the kind of friend you don't have to talk to everyday and that is ok!
she always brings a smile to my face when i see her because you never know what she is going to say.
now she and her wonderful husband have this little cutie and my kids just love him so much!
we had a great weekend visiting with them at our house.
i am so thankful for our friendship!

1 comment:

  1. ohmygoodness. ezra is SO cute. such a handsome little guy!
